I’m currently using a Nextcloud instance hosted by a volunteer run non profit. 12€ per account per year, I have one for me and my girlfriend.
However, calendar sharing is limited to people on the users on that Nextcloud instance, which is a bit limiting.
Do you have alternatives that allow federated calendar sharing?
https://calendar.online/ seems promising and is German, has anyone used them before?
Your comment made me start to think about self-hosting. What hardware are you using?
I’m running it on a “normal” server, which hosts many VMs. Baikal being one of them. But it would also run on any potato or a raspy. It’s not very demanding. Also was simple to set up.
I’m going to look look into installing mrchromebox on my old Chromebook and using that. Should work right?
I dunno the specifics of the chromebook or mrchromebook (i assume some linux?), but I’d take a wild guess with: YEAH. But when working it syncs nicely with e.g. thunderbird or any android-calendar (via davx5 foss) or basically any DAV-able app. If it’s just for at-home, then you don’t need much maintenance, if it shall be reachable from the outside, it should be a bit more hardened and maintained, obviously.