Most shocking plot twists are just bad writing, foreshadowing and reveals that make sense are thing to aim for instead.
Filler episodes are important because they focus on character development and they give a break from the main plot.
Filler episodes are important because they focus on character development and they give a break from the main plot.
Yeah I’m totally in agreement with this I need breathing episodes to care about characters. Day in the life episodes and bottle episodes help viewers connect emotionally with the characters. Too many shows these days expect viewers care about the central character just because they are the ones getting screen time.
Filler episodes are important because they focus on character development and they give a break from the main plot.
I guess it depends on the show. Some shows are structured to work like that. Other shows like Game of Thrones, Black Sails, just aren’t.
Black Sails is a rare exception, but most shows would benefit from having filler episodes
I can’t see how GoT would, but then it depends what you consider as “filler”. I don’t think Dark would either. Or Silo