Not my OC
Just so long as we both agree Janeway murdered Tuvix and should stand trial for her actions, I don’t see why that should matter.
I’ll die on this hill.
Janeway made the practical call, the one that maximized survival for the entire crew.
As one entity on a starship with limited manpower and no resupply guaranteed, they need all the people they can get.
Yes, neelix and kess weren’t going to be on board originally. That is irrelevant at the time of his Tuvixation. He’s there, and they can’t afford to lose him, regardless of how atrocious his leeola root stew is.
Not to mention that tuvok played a very important role for Janeway, one that I don’t believe tuvix could handle. He was the one who reminded her of the “proper” thing to do that follows protocol. He’s the cool head. The logical one who remains calm when everyone else loses their shit. Chakotay isn’t on that level. Tuvix was too emotional.
Janeway made the right call.