And they are all making $$$. Insiders make out like crazy when the economy crashes, buy the low and hold. Open a for-profit prison. Get shady government contracts. Get the President to do a commercial for your cars in front of the White House. And on and on.
That is true as long as there is a rebound though. Why would there be a return to normal after this?
It makes sense that they’re prone to the falacy of expecting things to carry on happenning mostly as they’ve happenned in their lifetimes, same as everybody else.
That being so, it makes sense that they are certain that there will be a rebound “because it’s always what has happenned after a crash”.
Or, if you want an historical reference, the Monarchy in France right up to the French Revolution never expected than no matter how much they exploited the rest, they themselves would end up on guillotines.
What stocks do I invest in? I want to profit off the demise of USA as well.