“Great state of Canada”…
To be fair, I heard a news anchorwoman in British Columbia refer to the US as “the lower provinces” lol. I had never heard this before, but since it was used casually on a newscast I assumed it was a fairly common expression. Maybe Bonespurs heard about that and got a burr in his diaper.
I’m down with that. In fact, can Canada just annex Oregon and Washington? I would consider emigrating to Canada myself. But…that’s hardly a trivial thing to do. Plus packing is such a pain in the ass. Plus, selling a house, moving companies and all that. Ugh. What an effort. It would be a lot more convenient for me if we could just move the border a good ways south.
There is a significant difference between a regular person, even a TV personality, and a politician saying that. Enough so that I don’t think the term “to be fair” can be applied to it.