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13 points

It is crazy.

It’s crazy that a serial liar, who defrauds his customers with false marketing claims and naked market manipulation isn’t in jail.

It’s crazy that anyone would spend money on a product one of his companies makes, given how he has shown such extremely poor judgment and discipline.

It’s crazy that someone who defames people trying to help people in need, someone who promotes hate and bullying, someone who would lie about something as petty as pretending to be among the worlds best video gamers — it’s crazy he could have a cult following.

It is crazy that Americans handed this lunatic access to their own social safety net, and crazy that they have dismantled the checks and balances to prevent it despite clear warning signs.

It’s crazy that any single Canadian would purchase a car or service from someone who said that ours is not a real country, and works side by side with the person working to invade our country.

It is crazy that someone who does these treasonous things is allowed to maintain Canadian citizenship, despite no ties to the community.

It’s crazy that a single penny of our taxpayer dollars would go to this man.

It’s crazy that it’s even a topic for discussion.

You’re goddamn right it’s crazy.

6 points

It is crazy that you excluded “is a Nazi”, and even crazier that you didn’t lead and end on that point.

3 points

Only excluded because I wasn’t thinking straight due to blind rage and insomnia.

Sigh… yeah it’s crazy one can have so many reasons and still not even mention that.


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