- Peops being unnecessarily confrontational towards each other till entire screen just lines
- Stupid stock phrases (man of culture|cake day|kind stranger|calling up votes “updꝏts”|.*)
- Crappy bots with no real utility replying to random comments
- Rudeness to light mode users , r/chargeyourphone
- Ableist subs like ⦅system|fakedisorder)cringe|illnessfakers|raisedbyn●●●●●●●●●s|BPDlovedones|.*)
- Rage bait posts like that one cake AITA post (no way it’s real)
- Karma requirements for subs like r/assistance . Dear god fckin HOPE karma dœsn’t get added to lemmy …
Already answered similar thread to this one 2 yrs ago , but threadiverse changed somewhat since then . Had different answers some of them already made their way here since , so gave different answers this time