They are 1:1 copy of Greek Naiads (water nymphs). Sirens are mermaids (fish tails), water nymphs don’t have fish tails. That’s the only difference as far as I know. Both drown men.
IIRC they’re undead, which is different. Specifically, suicides by drowning of jilted lovers, which is so particular it’s no wonder they aren’t often seen. /s
Hmm… Wikipedia says that’s a later version, and in the pagan era they were probably much more Naiad-ish, including some being benign. I don’t know if I’d say “copy”, as it’s hard to say for sure it doesn’t extend back to the proto-Indo-European days. There’s not much evidence of contact with the Greeks until after the Greek epics were written.
Anyway, hope you appreciate my research content.