47% of us US’ians really suck major dick.
☹️ ☹️
47% are extremely susceptible to disinformation echo chambers.
The rich have eroded academic institutions and flooded the airwaves, muddying the waters of reality that only those with time and strong critical-thinking skills can parse.
Put another way: if I was a psychopathic piece of shit I’d know that a dumb electorate is easier to grift and control. So I’d make sure they stay confused, ignorant, and apathetic.
Have you heard of the Russian disinformation genius Surkov? His tactic is to confuse people so they don’t know true from flase, wrong from right etc and get apathetic and defeatist.
That’s related to Survok Theater, right? Between Dugin and him, the Russian propaganda tactics being used read like an open book. We see the game being played but what are some possible solutions? Must we hope people learn their lesson in the collapse to come?
I wonder what percent of them only hear the news that things are going great
Probably not many. My uncle listens to right wing podcasts all day. He used to constantly bring up their half informed talking points, but now… Almost nothing, but you can tell every time he does, it’s filled with desperation. Like he NEEDS me to understand he made the right decision. It’s all black tar copium
no felon rigged it, I seen it real time as the machines glitched in my area, I knew WTF happened but I held out hope that someone with power would end this bullshit so if I gotta put in my big boy pants and join in imma fuck up any maga cunt I see
Good luck proving that. Make sure you don’t fall into the same mentality as J6-ers did.