I will go to my grave insisting that Tilly is the most grating, annoying character in Star Trek. How does she go from a bumbling idiot to an officer in like two seasons? They tried too hard to make her character progress and they pushed it too far
I don’t mind Tilly’s character. Her growth felt organic to me. She just always had a lack of confidence. At least she started out bad at everything and lacking confidence and they developer her. Michael just STARTED as the miracle child and then they had to pathetically try and claw her back.
That said, I can understand why some people didn’t like her. She wasn’t for everyone.
Her growth was my issue, if she had started as a bumbling, no confidence ensign and ended as a confident crew member on her way to joining officer school (which takes like 8 years!) that would be believable growth. But she went from a bumbling no confidence ensign to a badass commander/officer. The show wasnt long enough for that level of growth.