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Nobody is forcing you to get a credit card. It’s the stupid american culture that is making you do that. The amount of people who solely use all their income on nothing but food and rent are nowhere near as many as the people who use it to live beyond their means and pay for their overconsumption.
Oh yes I agree its the systematic failure of american people to fuck up their own country over generations and be happy about it. In the current era of unparalleled freedom of information, there is no excuse other than being stupid and believing you are not.
I think its american exceptionalism that is to blame since americans geniuinely belive they do not live in a 3rd world oligarchic shithole and that they know what freedom and democracy means. Good news is the current crisis is literally the thing people need to understand what freedom is and why it is important since you have lost it for the first time.
it’s not just america. the entire west had to switch from the keynesian system to the friedman system after america and the uk’s pinochet experiment. unfortunately friedmans system doesn’t work if everyone does it; and the patch is currently to take advantage of the poor as new loan takers are born every day and it’s currently the only way to inject more cash into the economy.