Largest prison population both in absolute size AND per capita. Also, random fact, their constitution allows prisoners to be forced into slave labour. Also, another random fact, their prisons are run for profit. None of these facts are related of course!
Next you’re going to tell me that these for-profit prisons lobby the government for harsher prison sentences for things like cannabis possession.
Not to nitpick but not ALL prisons in the US are for-profit. They should be illegal though.
Fun fact - other countries that have for-profit prisons include the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Chile, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, South Korea and Thailand.
This won’t do much since most of these prisons operate under state jurisdiction, but in 2021, President Joe Biden issued an executive order to stop the United States Department of Justice from renewing further contracts with private prisons.
True, however there are bs for-profit elements to even the non-for-profit prisons. Predatory costs to calling / commissary / etc. that still benefit companies when the US imprisons more people.
And house arrest is being used for mass incarceration of people being ACCUSED before conviction. The punishment can be more severe before conviction.
And many states let private companies charge accused people up to $40 a day for the ankle bracelets.
Listen I live in the USA, but if thats your best pushback to all those facts - should tell you what a dire state we are in. And prisons that aren’t for profit still send out prisoners to for-profit industries to work, so it’s kind of a moot point.
california spending 100k+ per prisoner but renting them out for pennies is one of the insane unsustainable aspects of the system and then going and saying “we can’t afford to let them out” is mind numbing.
The whole circus is just to keep wages down and arrest anybody folks don’t want in their shitty suburb.