I am optimistic the SCOTUS won’t take the bait. Not because they’re against Trump, but rather because they don’t seem as eager to surrender their own power than Congress is. Even in their notoriously pro-Trump rulings last year, they took care to keep the Judiciary involved in interpreting the extent of the Executive’s powers.
Yet Roberts and the scrotus were fuckin dumb enough to give potus nearly complete immunity, which is functionally the same. If the courts rule against any specific action there is nothing to stop him from immediately doing it again.
Go read that ruling again. It was nearly complete immunity for official acts, with the courts deciding what constitutes an official act. It was as much of a power grab for the Judiciary as the Presidency.
Exactly. While we need a strong judiciary right now it’s important to understand that the “near miss” scenario of dictatorship leaves us with a supreme court that has too much power and has abdicated its sense of responsibilities.
Our government is supposed to be that the legislature decides broad policy, the executive implements it in accordance with the will of the people, the spirit of the law, and knowledge of their in house experts, and the judiciary (post maybury) serves as a check that blocks laws and policies. As it is today, the judiciary and executive decide policy, the executive does whatever it damn well pleases, and the legislature and judiciary attempt to block various things.
I remember when government shutdowns were a thing so rare as to be absurd but today we do them all the time except when needed