Sounds like maybe Trump did know something about Project 2025 after all…
Why are the American people so …weak?
In another month, Americans will have non ability to mobilize and fight the Dictatorship that is almost fully installed.
The exact same thing happened in Germany in 1933. This is the exact same playbook: way too many people are willing to accept a little fascism because the fascist promises to drop the price of groceries and target groups of people they don’t belong to. Then the fascist doesn’t drop the price of groceries and turns against those who supported him - by which point, it’s too late.
What you’ve just discovered is that today’s Americans as just as dumb as the Germans of 92 years ago - dumber in fact, because they knew what happened in Nazi Germany, an advantage the Germans who trusted Hitler didn’t have.
The Americans should’ve known better, and yet they voted the orange fascist in. Plus ca change…
It’s hard to know if the American people actually elected t. There’s a video of him admitting that he rigged the election.
Also, even with him and fElon rigging the election, he still lost the popular vote, and they definitely engaged in enough voter suppression to rig the vote that way.
I’ve never been a stolen election person, but there’s no doubt they stole this election. The richest man in the world decided he wants trump to win, so that’s what happened. Elon is doing the same thing in other countries, so the assholes that are hating on every American better take heed because it’s coming soon to a government near you.