fucking morons.
people demanding progressives, but no, lets pretend conservative democrats have a fucking chance.
how tone-deaf can you fucking be.
Considering the Democratic Party has done this 3 times in a row and that they refuse to primary wildly unpopular members of their own party.
They are extremely tone deaf and out of touch with what the voters want. It’s why I want the progressives in the party to split off. The progressives are screwed if they stay, so why not leave and have an actual fucking chance?
Bernie Sanders got screwed over by the super delegates who all went for unpopular Hillary Clinton. Imagine how wildly different things would be if he was the Democratic nominee in 2016?
Considering the Democratic Party has done this 3 times in a row and that they refuse to primary wildly unpopular members of their own party.
The primaries are open to anybody who meets the requirements. We don’t have to wait for “the party” to provide us with better candidates. The better candidates just have to follow the process to declare themselves a candidate. And then we just have to show up and vote for them.
Bernie Sanders got screwed over by the super delegates who all went for unpopular Hillary Clinton.
Sanders initially said that the candidate with the majority of pledged delegates should be the nominee; in May 2016, after falling behind in the elected delegate count, he shifted, pushed for a contested convention and arguing that, “The responsibility that superdelegates have is to decide what is best for this country and what is best for the Democratic Party.”[46][54] Ultimately, Clinton won the nomination without relying on the votes of superdelegates; she led Sanders by a substantial number of elected delegates (from primary and caucus votes), as well by a substantial margin in the popular vote.
Also at the top of that page:
In 2018, the Democratic National Committee reduced the influence of superdelegates by barring them from voting on the first ballot at the Democratic National Convention, allowing them to vote only in a contested convention.
Imagine how wildly different things would be if he was the Democratic nominee in 2016?
It’s sad to think about how much better things could have been, and also if we had had Gore in 2000. But we shouldn’t forget that Clinton won the primaries popular vote by enough that the superdelegates’ votes didn’t matter.
I still feel like Harris had to gave been handicapped on progressive policies from the DNC. There’s simply no way, with her record and history, that she wouldn’t have campaigned on a completely separate platform than Biden unless he, and the DNC forbid it. Now, that brings about a new set of issues; in which she was unable to stand up to the establishment and say, fuck you guys. She used to be pretty progressive in the senate and it all went away with the VP.
Oh a secret progressive, neat. She could have chosen up until the last few days of the election to jettison the zionist garbage messaging from her campaign and choose to win and she didnt. Her campaign had polls showing she’d lose and why. Unless she literally had a gun to her head I dont want to hear how progressive she is.
On top of that she’s married to a zionist and her campaign manager was her husbands brother, also a zionist. If she wants to promise to ditch those two losers from anything relating to politics I’ll consider voting for her, otherwise she can piss right on off in every single other time she runs as well. No more zionists candidates. Reform jewish people are fine, but we need to stop trying to prop up right wing warmongers from whats supposedly the left leaning party.