“What are we, a bunch of asians?”
— Man surprised his country is full of racists
Meanwhile, in the real world
According to the most recent report (2024), people in China have overwhelmingly positive views of their political system. 92% of people say that democracy is important to them, 79% say that their country is democratic, 91% say that the government serves the interests of most people (rather than a small group), and 85% say all people have equal rights before the law. Furthermore, China outperforms the US and most European countries on these indicators – in fact, it has some of the strongest results in the world. The figure below compares China’s results to those from the US, France and Britain. These results may help explain the high levels of satisfaction with government reported by the Ash Center.
China is growing faster than any country has grown in all of human history, has a bunch of groundbreaking cancer treatments, the best solar energy tech, the best thorium nuclear power research, home ownership of over 80%, about to put a fourth tokamak in operation and is building power generation out the ass and their citizens have the highest opinion of their government in the entire world.
And somehow gringos think they not only don’t have it better, but that they have it incredibly worse than them? Lmao