Hi 👋 just shared the site with one of my buddies and he told me he doesn’t care much about it because there’s no way you’ll be 100% privacy enforced since you’re using an iPhone and sharing your location, name, birthdate , personal files, photos.
I’ve to say this gets to me but on the other side I’m also respectful of everyone‘s opinion because after all, this is what makes us special
How are you handling these circumstances usually, do you say something?
Completely disagree. You can’t use iPhones with anything but iOS. And you can’t install any apps Apple hasn’t put their fucking rubber stamp and collected taxes on. For that reason, it is not and never will be viable. Not to mention being overpriced and disposable.
Android may be created by an advertising company but they also give you the ability to run whatever OS you want and strip it of Google’s proprietary software completely. These days you can install OS like Graphene by simply plugging in your phone and clicking buttons in your browser.
Android may be created by an advertising company but they also give you the ability to run whatever OS you want and strip it of Google’s proprietary software completely. These days you can install OS like Graphene by simply plugging in your phone and clicking buttons in your browser.
This is patently untrue, and a total misrepresentation of the facts. You can install other OSes on a rather small list of Android phones. Furthermore, while the user might just be clicking a few buttons, behind the scenes those buttons put into play a rather complex series of actions that break the protections put into place by Google and phone manufacturers to stop you from doing exactly that.
Saying that Google gives you the ability to install other OSes is like saying Sony gives you the ability to install other OSes on the Playstation. It isn’t true, Google never gave you that ability, the technical wizardry of white hat hackers did.
This is patently untrue, and a total misrepresentation of the facts.
LOL what? No it isn’t.
You can install other OSes on a rather small list of Android phones.
How many iPhones can you install another OS on? That’s nothing to do with Android anyway, you’d have to talk to the OEMs and carriers about that, Google lets you do it on their phones.
while the user might just be clicking a few buttons, behind the scenes those buttons put into play a rather complex series of actions that break the protections put into place by Google and phone manufacturers to stop you from doing exactly that.
No, it doesn’t. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Saying that Google gives you the ability to install other OSes is like saying Sony gives you the ability to install other OSes on the Playstation.
No, it’s not. There’s a toggle that Google put in the stock settings specifically for that purpose.
No, it doesn’t. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Kid, you’ve no fucking idea what I know, so stop with this adolescent shit. Your whole post is nothing more than you saying “nuh uh” to everything I wrote. If you’re going to argue about stuff, at least take the time to actually be fucking informed about what you’re talking about. I’ve been jailbreaking iPhones and taking apart Android since before you were old enough to even know what XDA is.
Graphene doesn’t completely strip Google software though, it sandboxes it. You still gotta use the play store to install most apps for example.
I mean the entire thing is “Google software” so I’m not sure what you mean. It strips it of everything that calls Google’s servers. It has optional sandboxed Google Play services.
You don’t need the Google Play Store, you can install all of those apps with Aurora Store.
I think the point is you’re exaggerating how easy it is for the average person to install and use something like Graphene - people are arguing it’s less that Google allows it and more that white hats have forced it and I don’t think that’s an unfair statement. Like - I’m techy, own a phone running Graphene, and will have to look into the Aurora store - hadn’t heard of it before this!
Apple seems to be pretty privacy forward at the moment and it’s true that they sell hardware more so than software, and WAY moreso than user data. For people who can’t figure out something like Graphene, Apple is certainly a better choice than Googled Android. And I think that’s valuable to be able to tell people in this day and age even if Graphene would be best overall
90%+ apps require Google play services, which basically allows them to know every app you use, and potentially more.
There’s also a surge in apps implementing integrity checks, which makes you unable to run certain apps entirely with a custom ROM
Google has the exact same policy of getting a large cut of each payment you make…
Just like Ulrich thinking installing graphene being easy is just his experience, that is just your experience. I don’t have a single app that needs google play and that’s one thing i find it easy.
Whatever would need it i just use their website. Sure they try a lot to annoy you into using their useless app but it’s doable and becomes an incentive to find a better service.
You can find your way around, but you’ll spend twice the amount of time doing the same tasks that you could easily do on apps. Also, bye bye bank apps, or any Android games
If you don’t use your phone a lot, understandable, but for most people, nah, not doable
No they don’t. More like 5%. What % of Apple apps require Apple services?
15% for the first $1M (USD) revenue earned by the developer each year 30% for earnings in excess of $1M (USD) revenue earned by the developer each year
Apple takes 30%
Android may be created by an advertising company but they also give you the ability to run whatever OS you want and strip it of Google’s proprietary software completely. These days you can install OS like Graphene by simply plugging in your phone and clicking buttons in your browser.
That’s like saying since computers come with Windows pre-installed, Microsoft gave you the ability to install Linux. Computers are agnostic to what runs on them, they’re inherently neutral unless made on the deeper level to prohibit side loading. Like a lot of Androids and all iPhones do.
Microsoft gave you the ability to install Linux
They don’t give you the ability but they also don’t actively impede you from installing something else. If computers were agnostic then you could install whatever you wanted on an iPhone but you can’t because Apple locks them down.