Except, they legally can’t do that everywhere. Many states have laws against direct sales. Doubt they’ll let third-party dealerships do any of the work.
Well that’s why you need a proper ass licking sack of shit like Desantis. He banned direct sales of cars but put in a loop hole for Tesla’s like the one he owns. Pretty sure he just let the dealerships write the bill and then they tidied it up. If you’ve never met a voter who likes to get fucked in the ass, meet a Desantis voter
This has been worked out in a bunch of states like New Jersey because of hardcore lobbying from tesla
Fuck Tesla but direct sales make sense. Fuck dealership middlemen more. If I can save several thousand dollars buying directly from Nissan or whoever instead of padding some douche who’s only adding a high pressure sale and maybe some oil changes
Bro last time I bought a car they tried to sell me $6k worth of extended service plans…on a $12k car then we’re pushy as hell while I was saying “no I do not want extended service plans, I just want a fucking car”
My grandfather helped me purchase the car I have. At one point he was arguing with the salesperson and I got uncomfortable.