They click on things they shouldn’t. I already know I shouldn’t. The end.
Not just from letting the computer run. Explain why I don’t have any of these problems with my oh-so vulnerable 12 year old Windows 7 laptop?
"People have lost millions in crypto from shit like that. " Sources. Links. Explain how it happened. So you’re claiming people with Windows 7 computers also have millions in crypto? What?
Honestly not even worth wasting my time. As if there isn’t a billion news stories and websites explaining this shit already, and much better than I ever could. It honestly feels super strange even having this conversation in 2025. I guess there will always be people who refuse to understand the tech they use.
Why are you so aggressive? I get it, you like Windows 7. I liked it too at the time. Take a breath.
"Honestly not even worth wasting my time. "
ChatGPT, translate!
“I have no actual evidence, but it feels good to me.”
What’s agressive is forcing endless upgrades for no reason. No one can even provide a single source of evidence for these amazing Hollywood viruses besides “everyone knows” or urban legends. You don’t even check into what really happens and happily confirm your bias.
Like I said a million times, you have to purposely run an executable to get these amazing trojans and viruses. Windows 7 doesn’t magically pull them out of the ether and runs them with a 24 style countdown timer.