Dude, you talked about weapons, not me. I just pointed out those conflicts are quite different and that comparison is biased and wrong.
It’s a very poor argument.
I am a woman
you talked about weapons, not me
It’s what the meme above is about
I just pointed out those conflicts are quite different and that comparison is biased and wrong.
You didn’t say why, what is your reasoning behind that (because there is none) so you might as well have said pink microwave
It’s a very poor argument
You, on the other hand, have no argument and no knowledge to defend it. Or you don’t understand what I wrote and have simply lapped up EU propaganda, so you don’t know how to debate.
Don’t you feel a bit ashame
Don’t attack if you plan on running afterwards
Dude is gender neutral. You literally just wantto fight and are a troll.
EDIT: But you seem less like a troll after confirming you aren’t lying about your gender. Still, touch some grass and dont get involved in stressful internet fights to be right somewhere.
The correct answer when someone tells you that you misgendered them is “oh, sorry, thanks for letting me know, I’ll use the correct pronouns in the future,” not “actually, a historically male-oriented word is gender-neutral and I am absolved of all guilt.” It’s likely not a big deal, so there’s no need to defend yourself over it, acknowledge it and move on.
I just said the meme does a wrong comparison, you labeled me and now you pretend I’ve to explain my opinions?
Well, you should’ve asked before attacking me, hoe old are you? You are not interested in what I think about this meme, you’re a child who cares about winning an argument (like pretty much anybody in this instance when they find someone they disagree with).
It was you who replied to my comment calling it ‘childish argument’ without stating a single reason for it. When I asked you a question you’re like “hey hey I didn’t wanna talk about weapons” and keep on calling me a child.
I guess you can’t really see who attacked who.
Don’t reply to anyone calling them childish or whatever on lemmy.ml or anywhere for that matter if you’re not prepared to have a discussion, if you’re not willing to at the very least defend what you say intellectually, because then you’re just someone who wants to say a catchy phrase and leave. And that would indeed be childish, don’t you think?