You are literally too stupid to know what genocide is
The bar is set too high these days. I thought turning the entire region into dust and not leaving a stone atop another, while sniping random civilians would get you some recognition, but it seems this is nothing to you.
Gee, that’s funny because you talk like a terrorist-supporting piece of trash.
“Terrorist” is just a buzz word used to describe someone who commits the same crimes (or significantly less severe crimes) as your typical western state (or Israel), but isn’t on your side.
Is that what you call your wife right before you beat her? We all know how men in areas like Lebanon treat women after all, and you’ve already told me how much you love assaulting people… 🤔
Even with your retarded assumptions about an entire religious group who are at this point leaving practices of their assigned at birth religion (like your typical christian, jew, and whatever else did and are still doing to this day), Lebanon is the last Arabic country you can apply this to, on account of it’s population being composed of ~40% christians and the Muslim population being split in half between two sects and a million beliefs.
I understand your cunt is hurting after Trump won the election and gave you a little taste of your own foreign policy at home, but we must emphasize the importance of staying civil and not lashing out while the very existence of people you know and love is threatened (or some shit Dem voters would have expected of Palestinians).