No, no, see, we should just roll over and take all that with our asses up because they’ll maybe try and throw a measly attempt at giving us back federal abortion rights and student loan forgiveness, maybe. And they can’t do anything but give up if the Republicans slap any of that down. “oh well, we tried! But now we’re busy starting proxy wars and throwing our young men and women into decade-long wars, so stfu and take what we give you and be thankful for it.”
"Oh,it’s election time? No, no, don’t withhold your vote from us, if you do that, abortion will be federally banned this time around, probably! Listen, we’ll do you a solid and attempt to throw another half-assed bill at the Republicans. Yeah, they’ll slap it down, and no, we won’t push back or anything, we’ll be too busy funding more wars that we don’t call wars, but, you know, at least we’re better than them. So be a good little removed and roll over and stick your ass up.
Inb4: “BoThSiDeIsM” and “nAzI!!!”
What should the Democrats do? Pass legislation with 48/100 senate votes (first two years) or without control of the house (now)? Pass things unconstitutionally via executive order and hope that the ideologicaly opposed supreme court allows their illegal action to slide? Should they tear the whole thing down and install a dictatorship like Trump wants to do?
Start holding individual representatives accountable for their actions and votes. Not one republican was willing to cross party lines to put their country first, yet people like you blame the politicians who tried to help and either withhold the votes they need to get stuff done or outright give their votes to the party whose platform is literally to harm us.