This is good news for assuring that SNW’s 3rd season production will move ahead after the strike.
Greenlighting a couple of extra episodes and a 4th season would make strategic sense, but I’m just not willing to give Paramount the benefit of the doubt on that.
Yeah I enjoyed Picard even as somebody who hates Two Tone Dramatic Drama™, but #1 had always been what drew me to Trek.
That we COULD be better, and we SHOULD be better.
It’s also why so many people latched onto The Orville.
People like to say that TOS was a product of its time, but thematically it reached for the absolute stratosphere. DIS just basically played our own paranoid dysfunction in a new setting. Hell, chunks of it felt like 24 in spaaaace
The Orville geeks me out, because all the ads play it up as “FAMILY GUYYYYYYY IINNNNN SPPPAACCCEEEE” and I whole heartedly believe that’s how he pitched it to make it happen -
And then it was one big bait n switch, “HAHA actually I’m just a nerd and wanted to make a good scifi show suck it Fox!”
That’s actually how he did it. That’s why the first couple eps are kinda meh, then BOOM if the stars should appear, pria, krill, what the fuck just happened???