Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.
now it’s quite clear that Tesla’s are quite shit to own and drive
By whose metric? Tesla owners have a 97% approval rating. I know tons of people that drive Teslas and they have zero maintenance other than tires and windshield wiper fluid. Hate on Elon all you want, but to assume the cars are shit because he is shit is just juvenile.
I mean I will readily accept that the internet is a fickle place and nothing is ever as black and white as it would seem but there has been a metric fucktonne of examples lately for why Teslas are just straight up bad cars. Cheap materials, poorly wired electronics, broken features, etc.
Like just casually scroll through any car subreddit or other online forum and you’ll see people recording their Teslas just breaking down.
Zero maintenance is a bold claim. They have repair people that go to your house to replace parts when they break.
But yet they keep selling a shit ton. And if you talk to an average owner they love their Tesla. It’s almost as if you are looking at a biased sample that is not representative of the vast majority of owners.
I mean either way you aren’t getting the representative opinion. Both of them are just anecdotes.
ikr who would have thought a person who had zero issues with a car would go on a car forum and complain about it? google literally any car and you’ll see forums of people complaining about them. does this mean All cars are demonstrably shitty? by your metric it does. which is stupid.
You got a source? I’m willing to believe the strength of the explosion is greater, but not that gas vehicles spontaneously combust more frequently.
hilarious you’re so heavily downvoted for this. there are some rabid people on here who can only see negatives. I agree Tesla’s are great to drive and I know plenty of peple who own them and love them and have had zero issues, and also saved a tonne on fuel, and maintance. trying to dismiss all Teslas as garbage is just utter stupidity and honestly sounds like sour grapes to me.
Elon is a awful human and I wish with all my heart he’d have a sudden TIA. but tesla cars are not Elon musk.
ps your downvotes just serve to make my point 💪 stronger.
Maybe they’re being downvoted for the ludicrous claim that a car, even an electric car, has zero maintenance issues other than tires and wiper fluid. It’s not like it has zero moving parts.