Title. We keep ours at 75F, parents do 77F, and in laws 68F. It made me curious what everyone else keeps theirs at?
18.5 celsius, which probably translates to 17.5 in some corners of the house. I used to put it on 20.5 C, but the insane gas prices and the limited gas supply motivated me to put it at the minimum I can live with. Although when working from home I usually put it lower (like 17 degrees Celsius) and use an electric heater instead in my working room. And obviously when I’m away from home it goes to like 15 degrees.
This is all caused by the insane energy prices here in Europe last year. I think my energy bill increased like doubled or tripled. While I can pay it, it feels like an absolute waste of money (and gas) to do that. We had to work together to keep the supply high after Russian gas stopped being an option.
Edit: this is for the Fall/Winter/Spring. Currently it’s at 16 or something and hasn’t turned on in months.