I’d say no, but the world is going crazy, so probably the guy is going to get the book thrown at him. At the rate things are going they’ll raise the age of consent to 30 and make it illegal if the other person earns less money than you.
World going crazy? Who let the libertarians out. This guy was her teacher months prior and was a teacher to other children. He is a predator.
Yeah where’s the defense of this coming from?
Comsenting adults, fine. Consenting adults or close enough in range of statutory laws, morally dicey but I guess it’s socially acceptable. Add the fact that they were your teacher, ever, and it crosses ANOTHER line and I don’t think we can lump that many “exceptions” together without it being a big ol’ shit bundle.
But they’re all behind the line. If we want to pass a clearly worded ordinance about every allowed and disallowed behavior in society then this is the game we are playing. It’s not defending the guy, it’s pointing out that if you want to live under clear laws, you can’t just blur up the lines when it suits you.
Is the dude a scumbag? Probably. But I’ve lived long enough to see things go from legal but totally not OK, to illegal as it should be, to let’s make everything illegal because someone else doesn’t like it, and I fully expect one day that someone’s going to try to say you can’t fuck someone more than 3 years your junior no matter how old they are.
What this dude did is absolutely not socially acceptable, but what is socially acceptable is just fashion. Was it immoral? I don’t know, did he lie to her about what their deal was together? It was most certainly not illegal, and nobody was coerced.
Just because you left your teaching job before fucking your 16 year old ex-student, that doesn’t magically make you not a sexual predator.
Yah but you know he’s going to get a harsher punishment cause he has a penis. The other way people don’t seem to care as much. https://youtu.be/8hdbns1Xdk0
He didn’t leave his teaching job.
I don’t necessarily disagree with you. But it also doesn’t magically make you a sexual predator either. We have rules to prevent sexual predation, such as that you can’t fuck your students and someone has to be over a certain age to have sex with an adult. From my view this is all panty wringing and the dude broke no laws. Maybe he is a predator, maybe the laws should be changed. Or maybe we shouldn’t infantilize sexually active mature human beings and maybe we ought to teach our daughters about dudes like this.