Ruby Franke, the mother of six behind the family YouTube channel “8 Passengers,” has been charged with six counts of felony child abuse by the Washington County Attorney in Utah, a spokesperson for the attorney’s office confirmed to NBC News on Tuesday.
Franke and her business partner, Jodi Hildebrandt, were arrested last week after law enforcement found Franke’s 12-year-old son emaciated and with open wounds and duct tape on his wrists and ankles. The boy had climbed out of a window of Hildebrandt’s home and ran to a neighbor house for help, according to a probable cause affidavit acquired by NBC News.
Franke’s 10-year-old daughter was found at Hildebrandt’s home in a similar malnourished condition, according to the affidavit. Officials said the condition of the children was so severe that they were transported to a local area hospital. Franke’s other four children were taken into the care of Utah’s Division of Child and Family Services.
Hildebrandt was also charged with six counts of felony child abuse. Each count carries a prison sentence of up to 15 years and a fine of up to $10,000, the county attorney told NBC News in an emailed statement.
Do you have an example? I dont really want to go rooting around in that rabbit hole trying to find out.
Withholding meals as punishment was one example I saw in a different article.
Missing one lunch is hardly abuse. I forgot to grab my lunch on many occasions when I was a kid and nobody even called my parents about it. I was fine.
That doesn’t make her not a bad parent for all the other shit she did but if it was just this one thing it wouldn’t be that bad.
Not defending her other actions, but the case I heard on NPR this morning they are using against her, was her daughter was assigned to make her own lunch to take to school. She didn’t do it and then had the school call this woman to bring her lunch. Mom said the natural consequence of failing to make your lunch and bring it was to not have lunch. On this ONE incident, the mom is right. We have to teach our children there are natural consequences for bad decisions.
But it sounds like this one incident is the least of her charges.
I think you misheard. This NPR article from 5 days ago mentions that as part of the controversy over her, but doesn’t mention it in connection with the charges. There’s another short one from 2 hours ago that doesn’t bring up the lunches at all.
If your 6 year old goes to school without lunch that’s on you, not her. It might be appropriate for a 12/13 year old to be responsible for their own school lunches, but no way in hell is a first grader mature enough.
There are a bunch on this tiktok page:
She threw their homework and other things in the trash. Said they had until the end of the day to pay cash or do chores to get it back so they could learn the real value of their things.
She took her son’s bed away for seven months, apparently because he played a prank on his brother.
Oh, and the kids had to make their own school lunch in the morning. The school calls one day because her 6 year old daughter didn’t have any food. She let the girl go hungry. Quote:
My hope is that she’ll be hungry and come home and go, ‘oh man, that was really painful, being hungry all day. I will make sure to always have lunch with me.
one time as punishment she cancelled christmas for the younger 2… the older 2 got presents like usual. another time she didn’t allow her oldest son to sleep in his room for 6 months oh and he slept on a bean bag during those months… when he did have a room he wasn’t allowed to have a door. if you want to see examples check out mormon stories podcast. they go into detail.