lol. has anyone found ways to optimize starfield for their pc, like reducing stuttering, FPS drops, etc?
They don’t want to put the work in for the biggest benefit of PC gaming.
I don’t think any PC should be able to run a game well at max settings on release. Leave room for it to still look good five years from now.
And have the bare bones setting be able to work on shitty systems that do need upgraded.
Bethesda just wants to make games that run on a very small slice of PCs, and who can blame them when they can’t even release a stable game on a single console? They’re just not good at
I don’t think any PC should be able to run a game well at max settings on release. Leave room for it to still look good five years from now.
This is the mentality they want you to have. And it’s a shit one. PCs should be able to run any game well when it comes out.
Waaaaay too many people want that endorphin hit from setting everything to ultra.
Even if Medium looked exactly the same.
If you’ve got a 5 year old pc, sorry you shouldn’t expect to play on max, let alone anything over medium.
People need to temper their expectations about what a PC can actually do over time.
We are talking modern hardware, nobody is expecting a 5 year old PC to be running maxed out games anywhere near as well as the latest hardware should be. People are just more and more willing to bend over and accept shit given to them, there’s no reason Starfield couldn’t be running better, they certainly had the capabilities at Bethesda to make it so.
Remember when “could it run crysis” was a good thing to understand? Now everyone acts like max settings should run on 5 year old gpus and complaining about devs instead.
We’re on PCs guys, there’s a shit load of variables as to why a game might run poorly on your device, there is absolutely no way a game dev can (or should) be able to account for all those variables. If you want a standard gaming experience with preset settings that run fine, get a console.
The list of things Bethesda isn’t good at it is a little too long to post at this point.
They’ve been coasting off their name for a long time, even though very few of the staff from the good old days are still around.
The bugs used to be because they were over ambitious and they’d eventually fix them. Now the bugs are because they know modders will fix them eventually for free.
How would you expect them to develop a game targeted towards hardware they can’t test on due to it not existing? Latest PC hardware should be able to run max or near max at release.
I don’t think you understand how all those settings work in the option menu…
Or anything that I said in my comment.
It’s been explained to other people already