lol. has anyone found ways to optimize starfield for their pc, like reducing stuttering, FPS drops, etc?
Check out steam hardware survey, and target the most used config. That way you can make sure your game is enjoyable for the most players
This would be insane. The majority of Steam users are running outdated hardware. Devs aren’t going to cut their PC games down just to focus on the majority.
insane you say? So it’s much more sane to aim your PC optimization towards a config that only the top 5% use? So that 80% of the possible users cannot run it?.. interesting definition of insanity you have there. Forsaking 80% of your possible target group, therefore missing out on a bunch of money, instead you put out some hot garbage that needs a PC with the cost of a small new car to be played, to still look like absolute shit
People’s PCs will improve in years to come and as tech advances, games like Starfield will look fantastic and run remarkably well. PC gaming always used to be about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, not catering to decade old hardware.