lol. has anyone found ways to optimize starfield for their pc, like reducing stuttering, FPS drops, etc?
The game, without using dlss mods, runs at 30fps with some stutters on my system using the optimized settings from hardware unboxed (linked) on a 4060ti. If I install the DLSS-FG mods I immediately get 60-90 fps in all areas, that alone should tell you everything you need to know…
Heres the rub, Im not a FPS whore. Its generally a good experience for this game at 30 FPS assuming you use a gamepad/xbox controller. KB+M it gets really jittery and theres input lag. The game was clearly playtested only using a gamepad. The reactivity of a mouse for looking is much different and the lower FPS the game is optimized for becomes harder to digest.
I have also tested on my 1650ti max-q, and a 1070. Both the 4060ti and 1070 were on an egpu.
My system has an 11th gen i7-1165g7 and 16 gb ddr4 ram. I play at 1080P in all cases.
For the 1650ti and the 1070 the game runs fine IF I do the following
- i set the preset to Low (expected) and THEN turn scaling back up to maximum/100% and/or disable FSR entirely
- set indirect shadows to something above medium (which allows the textures to run normally, otherwise they are blurry).
Even on the 4060ti, it saying its using 100% of the GPU but it is only pulling like 75-100 W, when it would normally pull 150-200W under load easy.
TL:DR - this game isnt optimized, at least for NVIDIA cards. They should acknowledge that.