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6 points

Though I don’t have all day to devote to determining if these sources line up with your claims and if they’re worth a darn but I did attempt to skim.

Number 1. I dropped my subscription so I can’t view the article. Can you share?

Source 2. “The Saviorism of Melinda Gates: Eugenics, Philanthrocapitalism, and the Perils of ‘Western’ Feminisms” . This is a senior honors thesis with some pretty big claims and I’m not sure the paper presents a strong enough argument.

Mind you, Eugenics is evil dog shit steeped in racism, classism and so on. Fuck that shit.

Anyway, the author attempts to draw a line between making birth control / family planning available (to third world countries) and eugenics via population control of certain groups.

Their argument traces a very long and winding path of rather tenuous links along the way and I don’t find it very convincing. It seems more like a student grasping for straws to write a paper.

They seem to be suggesting that forced sterilization, forced sexual segregation, and similar despicable things are equivalent to ultimately voluntary family planning.

I see the point. If these programs are intended to control certain populations at a national level driven by eugenics, yeah that’s fucked.

They may have shown it is plausible that this is what the Gates Foundation has been doing but I don’t think they successfully proved it.

Source 3. Hush money… “Jeffrey Epstein allegedly tried to extort Bill Gates over extramarital affair” … yeah that’s not awesome.

8 points

If these programs are intended to control certain populations at a national level driven by eugenics, yeah that’s fucked.

Yes they are. I would have to write way too much on this bring you up to speed but, yes, Bill Gates is well known to be proponent of eugenics, of course he wouldn’t state it like that but look to what his actions and focus is on. Clearly not about access to abortion and contraception in the US. He is a Malthusian fascist.

He believes in overpopulation and therefor the “non-white people just need to stop having more kids.”

3 points

Appreciate the reply. I will dig more. I am usually more glad to be wrong and learn something new than merely being right.

PS: if I may prod a bit on this…

Is overpopulation a legit issue separate from bullshit eugenics?

Do you think access to contraception improves health and economic outcomes for individual families? Also separated from bullshit eugenics.

3 points

No, overpopulation is not a legit issue, underdevelopment and poverty and education are. Furthermore as more tangential evidence on this line: In the US there is a long history continuing to this day of the US forcibly or coercively sterilizing non-white people thus it is extremely suspicious when a white billionaire with a god complex is extremely concerned about birth rates in Africa.

Malthus’ entire concept of overpopulation stemmed from examining early industrialization in the UK and Europe and believing that population would outstrip food production, but the opposite happened; Today we produce enough food to feed everyone, but these countries remain as colonies to western capital and the threat of military intervention and the occasional CIA backed coup keeps them under the boot of the west.

So no, they don’t just need contraception they need liberation.


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