I’ve made the 0.1 design available to the public now.
Ive been using it for a few weeks myself and its quite nice to use, particularly with the aluminium chassis (the GitHub repo has FDM and CNC designs).
In any case, for those curious the GitHub is here: https://github.com/MickiusMousius/RolioKeyboard
I am working on the V1.0 model, PCB’s should arrive in a few days. I think the V1.0 release should be good enough for others to make. The current model is nice, but there are a lot of improvements in the pipeline particularly regarding aesthetics.
V1.0 sample below:
This is lovely. I’m currently using a lilty58 while leaving the number row empty, and have been looking for a board to downsize to. I don’t feel ready to go down to as low as 42 keys, so the corne is still a bit intimidating.
This? This looks like the Goldilocks medium I need at the moment. 😆