A common way to get around explicitly giving the HP of a monster and telling them nothing is the "They look… " rule. When they ask how many HP the baddie has left, tell them “They look injured, but not enough to hinder them” or “they look bloody and totally messed up” etc. As a rule of thumb, you can decide their health into quarters and come up with a common phrase for each, or come up with them on the fly depending on the situation: “Grog’s hammer has left some of its ribs broken, but it looks healthy enough to keep fighting for a while.”
Huh, interesting. Thanks! How do you keep track of health? I was using Owlbear’s character text window but, well, I think I’ll adopt that system you mentioned.
I haven’t really touched Owlbear before, but I booted it up and had a play. It has a reputation for being “very lightweight” and boy, it lives up to that. This is great if you don’t want a lot of complicated options - but I don’t see a way in it to “secretly” track a token’s health.
I made this goblin as the GM and the “player” can see the character notes, I don’t really see a way to turn it off (maybe there’s an extension for it.) - If I were running on this, I’d use pen and paper to track health.
If all you need is a quick visualisation to move tokens around, Owlbear is pretty good for that, it’s quick and lightweight and easy to use.
If you’re looking for something with a little more oomph that’s also free, “Roll20” is a very popular free app for running DnD games, it has quite a lot of good tools, can handle full character sheets, and it’s compatable with Beyond20 (Beyond20 is an extension for DnD Beyond that lets you roll dice out of the DnD beyond website into an open vtt.)
If you’re looking for something with a lot of power and flexibility behind it “Foundryvtt” is a system that does everything Roll20 does, usually better, but sometimes a little clunkier (for me, it’s often a bit laggy, and the drawing tools suck - even the “good” modules) - Foundry is really for power users, as you can run independent servers, code your own modules, or install all sorts of mods from the library of modules other people have coded.
If you’re looking to spend a huge number of hours building incredibly pretty 3d environments for your players to explore, “talespire” is available, and seems to be pretty comprehensive… but… oh boy it’s a lot
Adding in to the way of “tracking health secretly”, there’s a way, but you gotta think in reverse:
Track damage, not health. Just jot down quickly on paper how much HP an enemy has and track damage dealt, which can be a public info anyway
If you figure HP needs changing, change it on the fly on the paper and adjust your description of the scene
Oh man… I’ve DMed once and only once. I fudged a LOT of stuff in the spirit of making the game as fun as possible for my friends. All of the bad never played DnD before. I used only Excel spreadsheets for combat. I tracked health secretly and would sometime allow something weaker to die in one hit if a char rolled high and really excitedly said their damage number. I tried to be as descriptive as POSSIBLE about what their sword/mace/arrow did to the inside of the gobbo’s guts/skull.
We played verrrrry loose with rules. I wanted to run full TotM. My partner was the cartographer… they did STELLAR, and told me I described stuff really well.
It was some of the most fun I’ve had. I spent like 60 hours prepping the campaign, and let them know it’ll be kinda railroad-y at first. They made a decision to go off course near the beginning and I made up some convenient reason they couldn’t… then I began writing the next part of the story because one char was VERY intent on going that way. I just needed some time to figure it out cuz I’m new.
It was wonderful. The last thing that happened in our campaign was our friend accidentally killing our other friend with some bad rolls (we agreed critical misses should have consequences cuz it’s funny)
…before we could play again, the friend who was downed died in real life. I love you, ******.
Anyway thanks for reading my rant.
Thanks for the info! I had seen those before. This is the second time we try to get into dnd (it’d be our first game), and I tried to use Roll20 before. It was a little overwhelming, between not knowing the first thing about dnd and a poor UI (to me). We chose owlbear because of its simplicity, if my guys don’t feel like dnd is for them, we didn’t spend too much time or any money on software.
Next campaign though, I’d like to try roll20. If I end up rolling lowest and get stuck with DMing again.
Pen and paper for the real number, use descriptions with the players. I even modified how fast the enemies would walk/run and how hard they hit based on how rough of a shape they were in…
Don’t over think it!