It’s weird, but I quite often sit on calls watching people who use VSCode taking 2-3 times as long to accomplish the same outcome as I can in my Jetbrains IDE. Either they don’t have the plugin installed rn, or it’s not working atm, or they have too many and it’s gotten slow, etc.
For me jetbrains ides are just not okay. They lag my PC so much that I can’t even play Minecraft 1.8.9 at the same time. The plugin list is so tiny - Rust, Color highlight thingy, and builtins!
Also personally I don’t like these IDEs just because they aren’t open source - I can’t modify it if I want to, which in this case doesn’t fit the spirit of Rust - making it opensource; the plugin API is so obscure to the point I considered switching to nvim (that was a year ago, not much has changed)