Well see that’s a good example. Ford is a profitable business, and should be paying their employees. All I’m pointing out is that the CEO’s salary - in the specific example of this business - does not represent a significant proportion of what is being taken from the average employee. That’s most likely going to the shareholders.
The CEO’s are partially to blame, but more blame lies with the shareholders, and also the legal system that mandates the CEO’s act in the interest of the hypothetical worst, most profit-hungry shareholder.
The dividend is only 15 cent a share. It is almost 10%. It should be around 5%.
Personally I think there should be a law you can’t borrow to pay dividends. They must come from cash
Personally I think there should be a law you can’t borrow to pay dividends. They must come from cash
Fucking absolutely. But that’s a drop in the bucket of financial fuckery that goes on, which is a very big elephant in the room.
It’s a larger part than you think. It’s another part of manipulating the stock.
Companies should be regulated better. They should get tax relief when employees are paid well with good benefits. I don’t care if a company pays taxes as long as the employees are making money. They’ll translate to taxes being collected other ways.
What I can’t stand is all the bullshit waste and games.
I think layoffs should be severely punished by either taxes or forced severance.
I don’t care a ceo makes 20 million but there should be regulations to make sure they’re earning it and not just manipulating things
A 15 cent quarterly dividend on a $15 stock is 1%, not 10%. Ford’s annual dividend is about 4% per year.
You’re correct. Different sites show it differently.
They showed the 10% but yes its about 5