4% royalty is fine, but they might as well remove the weird install-tracking bullshit at this point.
I still don’t understand how modifying contracts that already exist without written consent from the other party is even legal. I mean, isn’t the whole point of a contract to enforce the conditions of an agreement? If one side can just change it willy-nilly, doesn’t that kind of defeat the whole purpose of a contract in the first place?
Seriously, if someone more legal-minded could explain this, that would be fantastic.
I don’t get it, either. Can’t developers just abide by their old contract and not update to newer versions of Unity?
Oh, there won’t be any install-tracking. They will „rely on users to self-report the data“. Sounds to me like they didn’t have any plan for how to reliably track installations in the first place because this is CEO bullshit bingo that was never cleared with the r&d department. So now „I’m sure the users won’t lie to us“ is their best option.