I have been looking into dry herb vaping as a reusable some what healthy way to consume trees but I have seen some mixed reviews. Some say that vaping is even more potent that combustion while others claim that most dry herb vapes suck and only giant ball vapes can compare to a bong hit. Is it purely subjective or are there ways to figure out what is a worth while rig before buying it?
Ok, well combustion and vaporisation are 2 very different things.
If you want a big cloud hit off a vaporizer, you look at vapes like the cloud evo, volcano, the tiny might 2, ball vapes, log vapes. You can either attach or not attach any of these to a bong.
Ball vapes are top of the line for fast extraction of vapour, but you can get large cloud hits off the other style of vapes i mentioned.
But i wouldn’t expect to get massive clouds off sipper vapes like a mighty, crafty, mflb, vmax, potv one, etc.
You’ll likely get higher off a dry herb vape, because you can control the temperature while extracting the active compounds, instead of just buring them up into carbon like with combustion.
My own experience has been wax pens and edibles. I was watching this youtube guy called Cewpins complain about dry herb vapes. He claimed he couldnt get as high as when he used a combustion bong.
No hate on that dude or anything, but that just fundamentally doesn’t add up on a physics and chemistry level.
Few scenarios where someone might feel that way: They maybe using a different amount of product or a different product entirely in each delivery method.
They maybe incorrectly using the dry herb vaporizer.
They maybe just prefer the dirtier high, due to the flash combustion of the material releasing CO and PAH. It may also destroy some terpens and canabinoids in the combustion process.
But i wouldn’t expect to get massive clouds off sipper vapes like a mighty, crafty, mflb, vmax, potv one, etc.
While generally true I’ve gotten some pretty thicc clouds off my potv one with a long draw. Regardless, a couple hits from my Arizer xq2 or my potv one get me pretty solidly high even if I’m not getting big ol clouds.
Agreed, im just not sure what OP referes to as a “bong like hit”. Potv and Arizer xq(1 and 2) can produce some nice clouds, same with my mighty through a bong. But they are still lacking in fast vapour production from ball and injector style vapes. But thats just my experience with the vapes i own.