Why even work hard if you cant spend the money to own something/start a business. What will you spend the money on? The good of humanity? Get out of of here with that bullshit. If my country inplements communism im leaving on a first plane to a place where my skills will benefit me.
My understanding, however limited, is that “property” means something different in this context. Essentially, it means things like real estate and businesses, things that make money. You can own food, clothes, a TV, watches, a car, whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t make money.
If you wanted to start a business, you probably could, and you wouldn’t need to pay for it. The State would own the business, and you would be paid to run that business. This absolves you of all the risk associated with it, and you get paid more than a grocery store shelf stocker because you’re doing a harder job, and thus demonstrating greater ability.
So you’re dependant on the government and can’t (not allowed to) do anything about it. Sounds great. My car can make money, my computer can make money, but i guess im not allowed to do it if big daddy Lenin doesn’t want me to.
People who can will leave in flocks.
So you’re dependant on the government
How, exactly?
can’t (not allowed to) do anything about it
What do you mean by “do something about it”?
My car can make money, my computer can make money
…From you using it. That’s not private property. That’s a tool. It only becomes private property if you plan to rent it out or employ others to work it for you.
but i guess im not allowed to do it if big daddy Lenin doesn’t want me to.
People who can will leave in flocks.
Leave what? You didn’t even describe a system, there. Those were vague buzzwords.
But that degrades a person to a child. A child can own a trinket or two, but for anything of real value, there’s mommy and daddy.
Which fits perfectly well with my hypothesis, that the majority of people actually don’t want a government. They want a babysitter to watch over them.
I hear Dubai is looking for day laborers! Im sure the lack of regulations make it a great place for workers!
And yet, people are still coming there voluntarily. But that word is missing from the communist dictionary.
The will of a worker is nothing under the communism. It’s always about some abstract mythical collective.
“Communism won’t work because I only work for selfish gain so everyone else must be the same as me. Anyone who says they’d work for non-selfish reasons must be lying because I’m selfish and everyone else must be just like me. And if they set up a society where selfishness wasn’t the main motivator, I’d be out of there to go where I could still be selfish. Therefore communism is bullshit.”
Communist societies have had their problems but this has never been a good argument.
cant spend the money to own something/start a business.
Of course you can. Why would you assume otherwise?
Oh, I see now…
By “own something”, you mean private property, don’t you? The freedom to extract rent is important to you, I’m guessing?
And by “start a business”, what you mean is “exploit people for profit”, am I right?
I mean agree with a person (not force them) that they can live on my property in exchange for money.
Also agree with someone (not force them) that they can work for me in exchange for money.
So, exactly what I said. Noted. You want the “freedom” to survive off someone else’s work, while not having to work yourself.
Freedom to me is being able to own your own home, and not having the wealth you created stolen by some absent owner.