You might not, but you gotta remember that the public is also filled with idiots
And you have to remember that there’s a difference between what some random idiot on the street thinks and what someone can actually be prosecuted for.
Jesus Christ, do the fucking CPR
There are, but remember that defenses come into play after being sued. So you can still go through the mental nightmare (because let’s be real, a rich person isn’t going to be doing CPR, and certainly isn’t going to care about being sued, so only your typical person who could lose everything in this scenario) of being a defendant in a lawsuit until the judge agrees to toss it or you go to court and are found not liable.
While my cousin’s neighbor is fighting a law suit because, a woman (cousin’s neighbor) used defibrillator on another woman(when her heart stopped) , and other woman is now suing the neighbor for some minor marks from defibrillator. Mostly neighbor will win the case, but she has to appear in court now. Makes me feel so angry and i don’t even know the neighbor lady.
in these cases sometimes the insurance makes you sue even if you don’t want to because otherwise they won’t pay for any of the debt
My colleague has a situation where he’s being sued by his neighbor for minor burns after a firework accident a few years ago 4th of July. The neighbor doesn’t want to sue him but has no choice to get the medical services paid for.
The ultimate goal with insurance companies is to have you give them money and they never have to give you anything in return. If they can get you to sue the other person, the insurance company doesn’t have to pay. To them it’s a win-win.
Weakly regulated insurance is a scam