If you know what they mean, who cares? Does it give you an erection to “correct” people when literally everyone knows what the person means? You’re not winning any brownie points being a wannabe middle school English teacher. You’re just an insufferable twat.
When you keep speaking wrong*, it indicates that you have no regard for being understood, and hence you don’t give a rat’s ass about a) your listeners and b) your language. Meaning you’re an insufferable twat.
A total of zero people are confused when someone says “supposably” instead of “supposedly.” All you think about is how you or someone else you know was corrected and made fun for speaking “wrong.”
Also, “correcting” peoples pronunciations has a deep-rooted history in oppressing minority groups, e.g. “ask” vs. “axe.” You’d know this if you weren’t full of so much hate and ignorance.
Them- “btw, you’ve pronounced that word incorrectly.”
You- “THAT’S RACIST. You are full of hate and ignorance!”