I have got some CS items that I can turn into monies in my Steam wallet that I again could turn into a Steam Deck. The only problem is that I live in Norway and therefore can not.
I am tempted to switch my location to Sweden and order it to an address there since I live quite close, but I am wondering if this would break TOS or in some other way make this unviable?
Thank you for any helpful advice or suggestions!
its works fine, the steam deck isnt region locked, so you can still play with your norwegian account and all. its really just the shipping which doesnt work everywhere. also, if you have a problem again, you’ll have to send it to valve from sweden and pick it up again there
Thank you for confirming - I had also heard this.
I was more worried about switching country/location despite not actually living there and if my inventory might get trade blocked if I do something wrong?
I created a new steam account with a different email address just to order mine on a different country than my main account. You might need a local payment method for the country you are shipping to. Not sure if that’s the case for Europe, but it’s required for some countries.