You seems to miss my point from the very beginning: I’m saying it’s maybe not bots. Don’t fall into confirmation bias.
You’re the one who said some of the reviews were copies of legitimate reviews! What else would that be besides bots? I’m not making any definite conclusions about why those bots are there, in fact I was trying to be explicit about the fact that we can’t assume intent, but the bots are there.
I did not said that. I said it was legit reviews OR bot impersonating users, and there is no easy way to tell.
AH, I misunderstood what this meant, then:
The last time it was posted I investigated the reviews on Google play, and every rating was made by a real person, or a bot impersonating the real person. There is no way to tell appart except by contacting the person.
I read this to mean that you were finding duplicate reviews where one set seemed to be bots impersonating the other set. But, your comment clarifies what you meant. My bad.