Well, that’s your choice to side with her on that. A lot of people are interpreting it as 1) a terrible time to try to be funny and 2) can easily be interpreted as support for Hamas, until she got a ton of backlash and it started to cost her money and then she ‘totes didn’t mean it that way, just a prank, for realz!’
That was her mistake - the comment was too vague, so the media jumped on it, skewed the narrative, took that skewed narrative and grossly exaggerated it further, and denounced her as pro-Hamas. It’s obvious to see with even a little bit of reading and it’s both frightening and disgusting.
No, that one comment was not vague, the only active “fighters” to be called “freedom fighters” were Hamas.
There is no ambiguity, no vagueness.
Uhh, no. It was not her mistake that biased media outlets with an agenda say she said something while not actually reporting the exact thing she said.
It’s bad journalism, but I don’t think anyone expects reputable journalists to take this matter seriously.