Ubuntu is fine and I actually am on Ubuntu after using Arch for many years
Isn’t Arch a lot of manual compilation? Like I do that shit for work, I don’t want to do it in my free-time too.
I use Ubuntu. I think it’s funny how Arch users immediately assume they know more about Linux than me because of my distro choice. My hobby is learning about Linux and I can do that perfectly from my Ubuntu machine.
I’ve used Arch in the past, and let me tell you, nothing crazy is going on in there.
Yes, Ubuntu sucks because they are forcing Snaps on people while snaps are slow as hell. Thankfully they haven’t fully shoved snaps down our throats. If they don’t make snaps faster before shoving them down my throat, I’ll just distro hop. Probably to Debian. I love Debian.
I don’t get the complains about snap apps. My firefox opens near instant, even after a reboot. Maybe they fixed that with Lunar Lobster? That’s the first Ubuntu I installed on my PC since Ubuntu 9.04.
I have installed Firefox in my machine and the difference is around 3 seconds.
For me, how my system feels is pretty important. If something isn’t snappy, my stress levels start to rise. So those 3 seconds do make a difference. Some people might not care at all, which is understandable.
If you don’t care, use it, enjoy it. You’re free to pick what matches your priorities and preferences.
Honestly I’ve found it to be surprisingly stable, and the only time the system broke, it was my own fault.
I went from Ubuntu to Arch and I think I’m here to stay. Ubuntu was unstable for me for some reason. I would get freezes and crashes all the time. I feel like Canonical is making things slower and bloated but I have had pretty smooth experiences with Linux mint. On Arch I’ve been getting amazing uptime. But to each ones own, if you like it, who am I to judge.
I’m considering leaving Ubuntu. I’m currently looking at Manjaro because I don’t think I have enough time to invest in learning arch. Any tips?
22.04 LTS gang
Honestly, it’s kinda my default general purpose linux distro at this point. Set it up bare bones and headless, rip out snap
, and do what you want.
I personally use #NixOS. The declarative nature of it is so nice.
It enables me to share common configuration between different computers while still allowing host specific differences without relying on hacky solutions like #chezmoi.
Not knocking chezmoi, it’s great and I used it for years, I just prefer the home-manager module for NixOS.
I have seen a lot about Nix recently, and I must admit I’m really intrigued. I definitely want to play around with it more. Conceptually, it does sound pretty cool.