Salesforce, the leading provider of software for customer relations management, announced that it will implement a price increase for some of its cloud and marketing tools starting in August.
The company’s decision to raise prices, the first in seven years, was met with a positive market response as its shares surged nearly 4% during early trading on Tuesday.
2 points
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3 points
Indeed. It’s okay though, the same behaviour can be trivially achieved with this simple function:
String table = 'table_name';
String query_string = 'SELECT ';
List<String> table_list = new List<String>();
Set<String> table_rows = schema.describeSObjects(table_list)[0].fields.getMap().keyset();
for(String row : table_rows){
query_string += row + ',';
query_string = query_string.removeEnd(','); //remove trailing comma
query_string += ' FROM ' + table;
Which I’m sure you’ll agree is much more enterprise.
2 points
Oh man that code is gross. I guess they went with a proprietary sql build in an attempt to lock people in?