Being honest, compared to other far-right “leaders” Milei doesn’t seem that “crazy” (so far).
What i mean by this is that he hasn’t (again, as of now) come up with some crazy, impossible, or outright discriminating laws unlike his other far-right “peers”.
So far his plan is to re-activate Argentinian economy no matter what. Which, given Argentina’s current circumstances (half the country’s population being poor), is actually really reasonable and straight forward.
And yes, it’s really sad that he’s the only candidate that looks like can make an actual change. But if you’ve followed Argentinian politics in the last decades (high levels of corruption/incompetence), you’ll realize that Milei is what Argentina actually needs right now.
My man’s out here about to close the Argentinian central bank and let people legally sell organs while sticking up for the dictatorship, and against abortion, and your response is “Milei is what Argentina actually needs right now.”?
The Kirchner people stole everything in Argentina that wasn’t nailed down , Milei is about to take the rest.
Oh he is. There was a US-backed dictatorship in the 70’s that killed 30.000 people, he’s actively downplaying it as just a “conflict between two sides”, using the exact same words as the military did in those days. Also what he’s saying isn’t new, it’s repeating things from the '90s that already had us in crippling debt, with no political institutions and lots of police brutality. He’s only doing so good because the main political parties are having a major internal leadership crisis. We managed to save ourselves in the early 2000’s, we may not get that lucky again.
Yo soy chileno 🇨🇱, así que entiendo bien el tema de la dictadura. 🙁
Pero si tuviese que elegir entre Javier Milei y José Antonio Kast (su actual equivalente chileno, el cuál literalmente es un Neo-Nazi), definitivamente elijo a Milei.
Son lo mismo. Cada uno usa discursos ligeramente distintos dependiendo de la zona (entiendo que en chile la opinión pública de la dictadura es muy distinta a la de acá), pero están bancados por la misma gente y traen el mismo plan económico de subordinación. Son los cóndores que volvieron.
We already had a “Milei” during the 90s, Carlos Menem, a figure libertarians like him and his followers love to defend, despite being one the most devastating presidents we’ve ever had. The only difference is that Menem actually supported government funded R&D programs, other than that, it’s the same but with promise of “it’s gonna work guys! For real this time!”
Either the article is dead wrong about him being far-right, or he’s a menace to any country he might try to govern. There is no place for the far right outside of a graveyard.
Because clearly Argentina is in the same situation as the US and as such all the same logic applies right???