Reminder that Microsoft is trying to shift Windows to be entirely cloud based, so this can easily happen overnight without your consent. You don’t own your OS. Linux is the only way, unless you’re one of those strange BSD folks.
Ik this is sarcastic but the video games issue is real regardless of Proton and its derivatives on Linux. Windows really is the best way to game right now
I feel that this very much depnd on which games you’re playing. Competitive or Roblox, Windows is the better choice. Majority of the games I play though works without any issues on Linux.
I’ve heard that some games even are faster on Linux even when running proton buy it isn’t anything I’ve myself has investigated.
Gaming is one of my main intrests and I’ve been playing on Linux for at least ten years. It’s not for everyone I guess.
I went fulltime Linux and therefor bought a full AMD system (better drivers) one year ago. I played about 15 games the last year, some of them AAA titles, rarely had problems, and all of them could be fixed by looking on (unless the problems came from the game itself of course).
There are some titles which will not support Linux on purpose although it surely would run just fine, for whatever reasons, e.g. fortnite.
My setup is I have my gaming rig with a 4080 running Windows, then I turned my old PC gaming rig into an unRAID server. It’s a fully automated piracy machine running Plex. I just tell it what I want to download on my website.
I made the jump several years ago to full Linux and never looked back. I game a bunch, built my own custom PC’s for years. Linux has been great, and gaming on it has become fantastic.
The Steam Deck has helped push it even further, at this point I don’t really check if games run on Linux, I assume they do and 95% of the time I’m right.
The few games that flat out don’t run because of Anti-Cheat, I either wait until they are eventually supported, (Dead by Daylight, cough) or I just give them up. It isn’t worth it to me to sacrifice my freedom, privacy, and consumer rights just to play a certain video game when there are literally 10’s of thousands of games out there that I could play that run perfectly fine on Linux.
I wish that was the only thing. I work in science/engineering and lots of software that control equipment are only windows.
There are options like using virtual machines, but it’s way to cumbersome and prone to errors, you don’t want a measurement that took half a day get ruined because of a stupid communication error.
They aren’t trying to move to be completely cloud based. That was a bad headline that misconstrued what they were actually doing. The article actually just talked about how they wanted Windows to be fully streamable from the cloud as an option.
That’s exactly how Office365/Microsoft365 got it’s start. Now, instead of buying a copy of Office, you subscribe to Microsoft365.
I’m assuming that the path from cloud as an option to subscription based OS will be a little faster. To be fair, I wouldn’t be surprised if the stripped down locally installed version is offered as a Freemium option. Air-gapped and non-online computers usually just do one thing anyways. Most aren’t being used to watch movies, buy stuff, etc.
My prediction would be that within 5 years, probably sooner, if you don’t subscribe to your cloud-based Microsoft Windows OS, you’ll have a bare-bones experience. Good enough for kiosks and such.
Granted, you are correct, the article passed around only talks about how it’s an option right now, with some benefits… but we’ve all seen Microsoft do this exact same play before.
Now, instead of buying a copy of Office, you subscribe to Microsoft365
Naa, I just install Office and autopatch it.
For a business a cloud based OS would be far easier to be honest. It’s just an iteration on remote desktop services, with better latency and better protection of the business because of tools like this. I don’t think this should exist without consent on your private OS, but I can stand with not having to tell the new guy again that he can’t torrent on company property.