just make sure it doesn’t smell, stain, is difficult to eat, is easy to prepare, easy to clean and you’ve measured out the right amount to prevent wastage.
or just let me work from home?! which is better in every way?! for everyone involved?!
And all of this is why the lunch meat sandwich is the king and standard of packed lunches. I normally swap between packing a lunch meat sandwich or a pb&j for lunch or I’ll go broke grabbing takeout
I need to start doing this.
I agree WFH is good but I feel like people exaggerate how hard it is to bring your own lunch. I ate an apple with nut butter today because I was too lazy to meal prep. Yeah, I have low standards, yeah it’s not exactly filling but whatever. I’ve saved hundreds by just sucking it up having a shitty lunch when I’m too lazy to meal prep.
TO BE CLEAR: I 100% support WFH. Fuck greedy, lazy employers who refuse it for no reason, we should all continue to fight for WFH. Acting like there is no alternative to buying lunch every day is a cop out.
I 100% agree wfh is better in every way but these are the dumbest excuses.