Because one is realistic (a system where essential needs are all nationalised but non essentials aren’t, giving a place for greedy people who feel that need to make profit through their work) and the other isn’t (expecting greed to disappear).
Oh and I didn’t quit anything because that’s been my opinion forever, I just never believed in complete nationalisation/seizure of the means of production.
No, I’m realistic, some people will always be greedy, better give them a way to satisfy themselves than have them corrupting a system that tries to eliminate them or to have them work in the black market.
It’s the same as drugs, you have better control over hard drugs users by making drugs legal, providing it and taking charge of them than you do by making it illegal and seeing them shoot themselves in an abandoned building with whatever junk they can find.
I agree with you. There’s lots of keyboard warriors with big opinions that have yet to put those opinions to the test in the real world. No, not the suburban tgi Friday’s sedan driving real world, but the gritty disgusting world of poverty and inequality. Most of us have zero concept of what that is even when we think that we do.
We can sit around jerking each other off with wonderful ideas like total government oversight to prevent corporate overreach in all industries but that ignores the fundamental reality of the world we live in. We have to work with what we’ve got to make it work for us the best that it can. It won’t be perfect, people will always be taken advantage of and others will stop at nothing to hoard wealth and retain power, but we can usually move the needle slightly in our lifetime and raise our kids to work hard to move it a little bit more.
We won’t see a world with some communist utopia anytime soon, capitalism isn’t going anywhere. But we can achieve victories with things like universal healthcare, universal basic income, improved access to mental health care and healthcare as a whole, and see the gun lobby reigned in so that we can finally pass common sense gun laws that will start to slowly address this madness.
Goals need to be reasonable and attainable. Otherwise you’re likely to never get off the ground.