Correcting my code is helpful. The machine didn’t know what I even meant. Computers are interesting and changing rapidly.
Correcting my grammar is an unsolicited English lesson from someone who already knew what I meant. English is not interesting or changing quickly.
What if your grammar is that bad that people struggle to understand you?
I know someone who is incomprehensible most of the time. I have to ask probing questions just to vaguely understand what they’re trying to communicate. I’ve politely told them more than once about the issue but they never try; they’re not mentally challenged or anything, just an ass.
Also that person may have known what you meant, but another might not and may have any number of reasons for not asking.
Better communication skills are a worthwhile goal and there’s no good reason to not learn and grow.
I mean, there’s a difference between something being phrased in an odd or confusing way, and a pedantic comment about whether you should use a Latin plural. 90% of the time you get the latter.
Yeah, but what percentage of normal speech is made up by words under 20 years old?